Privacy policy & cookie policy.

The purpose of this data policy is to establish clear guidelines for the way in which this website ( processes data. The privacy and cookie policy protects personal information by regulating's use of the information that you make available when you use the website is obliged to protect the confidential information of all users when they are online on this site.


You consent to our collection and use of your personal information in accordance with this personal data policy by using this website. We undertake to place a regularly updated version of the personal data policy on the website. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy, please do not use this website.

Collected Information.

At, only the personal information that is necessary (eg e-mail address, name and address) is collected to provide the service / product that you request. The personal information is only stored for as long as is necessary in relation to the stated purposes.

Who is information shared with.

Personal information submitted on is only passed on to:

  • internal use;

  • selected and trusted third parties who may use your personal information for the purpose of providing goods or services (products purchased in the webshop), which you have ordered via At, the payment module is used and when purchasing on the site, all your information is encrypted and administered in accordance with the required security measures and legal requirements. On, personal information is only passed on to others, eg abuse registers in accordance with applicable law, if the user in question commits abuse or fraud. We do not sell, distribute or rent your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission to do so, or unless required by law.

Collaborators / trusted third parties.

Some personal information is administered by a third party (data processor), which stores and processes personal data on behalf of in accordance with this data policy and the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.

  • Squarespace

  • Stripe


Information for statistics and improvements.

In order to be able to further develop and improve the website, statistics are kept on how users use the pages. The statistics are used exclusively in summarized form, e.g. to see which pages and browsers our customers use the most, the number of total visitors, etc

Links to other websites. contains links to other websites. Please note that is not responsible for the confidentiality or content of such other websites, and that therefore does not assume any responsibility in relation to other websites. In addition, does not endorse any product or service that appears on any third party website. You should exercise caution yourself and examine the rules of privacy on such websites.


In addition to the information that you enter when making purchases in the webshop, uses cookies. Read more about our cookies and further information on how to delete cookies at the link below.


For each visit to the website - regardless of the presence of a cookie - we register the user's type of browser, operating system, host and web addresses on the pages to which access is desired. This data is used in a comprehensive and anonymous form for statistical analysis of the general use of the website.

Contact, change and update. undertakes to continuously meet the legal requirements for the protection of privacy. If you have questions or comments about our data policy, or about how we use your personal information, you can always contact us at